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The Big Picture: Filmmaking Lessons from a Life on the Set by Tom Reilly (Englis

Using examples unlike any of those in other books on film, Reilly exposes not only the power and the personalities, but the secrets of the pros. He shares the insights he gleaned while working with more than sixty Oscar-winning professionals?from Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, and Vanessa Redgrave to Sydney Pollack, Sven Nykvist, and Barbra Streisand.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleBig Picture : Filmmaking Lessons from Alife on the Set
PublisherSt. Martin's Press
Item Length8.5 in
Publication Year2009
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.6 in
AuthorTom Reilly
GenrePerforming Arts
TopicFilm / Direction & Production
Item Weight11.6 Oz
Item Width5.5 in
Number of Pages256 Pages

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