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Sustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Korea (Routledge Studies on

This book explores the attempts of South Korea in its to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. It addresses 6 of the 17 goals – clean water, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, sustainable cities and communities, climate action, and partnership – and defines specific national strategies. For each strategy, the contributors define the research indicators they selected, then analyze and examine the extent to which South Korea has met the SDG concerned. They draw these conclusions from national and international reports, government documents and policy papers on SDGs. South Korea’s experience in sustainable development and green programs will contribute to the planning of long-term development strategies for developing countries.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleSustainable Development Goals in the Republic of K
Item Length23.4 cm
Subject AreaFamily Sociology
Publication NameSustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Korea
PublisherTaylor & Francis Ltd
SubjectEconomics, Government
Publication Year2020
Item Height234 mm
AuthorTae Yong Jung
Item Width156 mm
Item Weight454 g
Number of Pages216 Pages

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