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Summa Theologica: Complete 5-Volume Set by Thomas Aquinas (English) Hardcover Bo

Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas, Saint Thomas Aquinas. Creating a summary of all human knowledge may not be the sort of undertaking we begin in the twenty-first century, but there is still room on our bookshelves for a classic--Summa Theologica, one of the world's oldest and greatest masterpieces.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleSumma Theologica : Complete 5-Volume Set
Book SeriesSt. Thomas Aquinas Ser.
Original LanguageLatin
PublisherAVE Maria Press
Item Length7.1 in
Publication Year2000
Item Height8.1 in
AuthorAquinas Thomas
TopicChristian Theology / Systematic
Item Weight186.1 Oz
Item Width10.3 in
Number of Pages3022 Pages

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