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Stories for Junior Worship by Alice Geer Kelsey (1941, hardcover)

This is a beautiful hardcover book titled "Stories for Junior Worship" by Alice Geer Kelsey, published by Abingdon Press in 1941. Filled with religious and spiritual stories, this book is perfect for those who are seeking inspiration and guidance. The language used in the book is English and it is in the format of a hardcover book. The author, Alice Geer Kelsey, has done an excellent job in writing stories that are suitable for young readers. The book is categorized under "Books & Magazines" and "Books". If you are looking for a book that can help you grow spiritually, this is the perfect choice.

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Publication Year1941
Book TitleStories for Junior Worship
AuthorAlice Geer Kelsey
PublisherAbingdon Press
GenreReligious & Spiritual

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