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Sociocultural Realities: Exploring New Horizons by Melinda Webber (English) Pape

Sociocultural Realities: Exploring New Horizons examines sociocultural approaches in the education sector, from early childhood to tertiary. With few publications covering such a range, there is a common struggle to gain a better understanding of the impact of social and cultural discourses on learning and teaching; this book aims to encourage the discussion and application of the theory and practice by researchers, policy-makers and teacher educators in Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and elsewhere.

31.98$ Buy It Now

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Seller the_nile ( 1223527 ⭐ ) 98.4%
Location: Melbourne, AU
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ConditionBrand New
AuthorMelinda Webber, Angus Macfarlane, Sonja Macfarlane
Book TitleSociocultural Realities

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