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Global summits and UN conferences have traditionally provided focal points for activists working across borders on a diverse array of issues. This growing pool of transnational activists and organizations democratizes the process of organizing, enables activists to build on previous experiences and share knowledge, and facilitates local actions in support of global change agendas.
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Condition | This book was personally inspected before being listed and meets or exceeds Ebay’s standards for very good condition. Binding is tight with no loose or missing pages. Text is clean, free of any highlighted paragraphs, underlined main idea sentences, or personal notations in the margins. Graphs, charts, and diagrams are intact and unmarked upon, as well. |
Condition | Very Good |
ISBN-10 | 0871548127 |
Book Title | Social Movements in the World-System: The Politics of Crisis and |
Item Weight | 0.83 pounds |
ISBN | 9780871548122 |
Subject Area | Political Science, Social Science, History |
Publication Name | Social Movements in the World-System : the Politics of Crisis and Transformation |
Publisher | Russell SAGE Foundation |
Item Length | 9 in |
Subject | Political Process / General, Globalization, Social History, General, Civics & Citizenship |
Publication Year | 2012 |
Series | American Sociological Association's Rose Ser. |
Type | Textbook |
Format | Trade Paperback |
Language | English |
Item Height | 0.8 in |
Author | Dawn Wiest, Jackie Smith |
Item Width | 6 in |
Number of Pages | 252 Pages |
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