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Security Integration in the Post-Soviet Space and Collective Security Treaty

This book explores the role of the Central Security Council (CSTO) in ensuring regional security, analyzing the evolution of cooperation between post-Soviet states since the Soviet Union's demise. It focuses on the establishment of the CSTO as a regional organization since 2002, with six out of 11 CIS members. The book fills a gap in existing research on the security paradigm in post-Soviet space and the collective security mechanism of CSTO. Many western scholars have not understood the importance of multilateralism and Russia's foreign policy in maintaining security measures in the post-Soviet space. The book is an informative handbook on regional integration, Eurasianism, and CSTO for students, scholars, readers, academicians, and researchers working on this area.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 244 pages, 2024 Edition
AuthorRamakrushna Pradhan
Book TitleSecurity Integration in the Post-Soviet Space and
Item Height1.6 cm
Item Length21 cm
Item Weight0.47 kg
Item Width14.8 cm
PublisherPalgrave MacMillan

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