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Sectarianism in Southern Nyasaland (African Ethnographic Studies of the 20th

Originally published in 1965, this is a study of Christian secessionist sects in the southern Province of Nyasaland (Malawi). It discusses the nature and context of sectarianism in Africa and analyses the developemnt of the sects, their ritual and worship and the roles of their officials in the social life of the community. This detailed analysis of the character and influence of sectarianism provides a valuable contirbution t the understanding of the complex process of social change which has taken place in this part of Africa.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleSectarianism in Southern Nyasaland (African Ethnog
Item Length23.4 cm
Publication Year2020
Publication NameSectarianism in Southern Nyasaland
Item Height234 mm
AuthorR. L. Wishlade
PublisherTaylor & Francis Ltd
Item Weight272 g
Item Width156 mm
Number of Pages168 Pages

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