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Rubens: The Life of Christ After the Passion by David Freedberg (English) Hardco

Rubens by David Freedberg. In his catalogue Dr. Freedberg presents a considerable amount of new evidence relating to their evolution and patronage, while separate sections are devoted to particularly important and unusual aspects of their iconography.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleRubens
Subject AreaArt, Religion
Publication NameCorpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard Pt. VII
PublisherOxford University Press, Incorporated
Item Length10.5 in
SubjectChristian Theology / Christology, General
Publication Year1984
SeriesCorpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard Ser.
Item Height1.4 in
AuthorLudwig Burchard
Item Weight55 Oz
Item Width7.5 in
Number of Pages426 Pages

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