The Nile on eBay FREE SHIPPING UK WIDE Routledge International Handbook of Migration Studies by Steven J. Gold, Stephanie J. Nawyn
Featuring forty-six essays written by leading international and multidisciplinary scholars, this fully revised second edition of the Routledge International Handbook of Migration Studies offers a conceptual and truyely global approach to the study of international migration.
FORMATPaperback CONDITIONBrand New Publisher Description
This revised and expanded second edition of Routledge International Handbook of Migration Studies provides a comprehensive basis for understanding the complexity and patterns of international migration. Despite increased efforts to limit its size and consequences, migration has wide-ranging impacts upon social, environmental, economic, political and cultural life in countries of origin and settlement. Such transformations impact not only those who are migrating, but those who are left behind, as well as those who live in the areas where migrants settle.Featuring forty-six essays written by leading international and multidisciplinary scholars, this new edition showcases evolving research and theorizing around refugees and forced migrants, new migration paths through Central Asia and the Middle East, the condition of statelessness and South to South migration. New chapters also address immigrant labor and entrepreneurship, skilled migration, ethnic succession, contract labor and informal economies. Uniquely among texts in the subject area, the Handbook provides a six-chapter compendium of methodologies for studying international migration and its impacts.Written in a clear and direct style, this Handbook offers a contemporary integrated resource for students and scholars from the perspectives of social science, humanities, journalism and other disciplines.
Author Biography
Steven J. Gold is Professor in the Department of Sociology at Michigan State University. His interests include international migration, ethnic economies, qualitative methods and visual sociology. He has conducted research on Israeli emigration and transnationalism, Russian-speaking Jewish and Vietnamese refugees in the U.S., ethnic economies, and on conflicts between immigrant merchants and their customers.Stephanie J. Nawyn is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and the Co-Director of Academic Programs at the Center for Gender in Global Context at Michigan State University. Her work has primarily focused on refugee resettlement and protection, as well as the economic advancement of African voluntary migrants in the U.S. with a focus on gender. She was a Fulbright Fellow at Istanbul University for the 2013–14 academic year, studying the treatment of Syrian refugees in Turkey. Her most recent work was published in the Journal of Refugees Studies and the Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Table of Contents
List of figuresList of tablesNotes on the contributorsIntroduction to the second editionIntroduction to the first editionPART I: Theories and histories of international migration1 Economic perspectives on migration2 Psychological acculturation: perspectives, principles, processes, and prospects3 European migration history4 Migration history in the Americas5 Asian migration in the longue durée6 A brief history of African migrationPART II Displacement, refugees and forced migration7 Forced migrants: exclusion, incorporation and a moral economy of deservingness8 Refugees and geopolitical conflicts9 Country of first asylum10 Displacement, refugees, and forced migration in the MENA region: the case of Syria11 Climate change and human migration: constructed vulnerability, uneven flows, and the challenges of studying environmental migration in the 21st centuryPART III: Migrants in the economy12 Unions and immigrants13 Immigrant and ethnic entrepreneurship14 High-skilled migration15 Immigration and the informal economy16 Vulnerability to exploitation and human trafficking: a multi-scale review of riskPART IV: Intersecting inequalities in the lives of migrants 17 The changing configuration of migration and race18 Nativism: a global-historical perspective19 Gender and migration: uneven integration20 Sexualities and international migration21 Migrants and indigeneity: nationalism, nativism and the politics of placePART V: Creating and recreating community and group identity22 Panethnicity23 Understanding ethnicity from a community perspective24 Religion on the move: the place of religion in different stages of the migration experience25 Condemned to a protracted limbo? Refugees and statelessness in the age of terrorism26 Reclaiming the black and Asian journeys: a comparative perspective on culture, class, and immigrationPART VI: Migrants and social reproduction27 Immigrant and refugee language policies, programs, and practices in an era of change: promises, contradictions, and possibilities28 Immigrant intermarriage29 International adoptionPART VII: Migrants and the state30 Undocumented (or unauthorized) immigration31 Detention and deportation32 Naturalization and nationality: community, nation-state and global explanations33 Asian migrations and the evolving notions of national community34 Immigration and education35 Emigration and the sending state36 International migration and the welfare state: connections and extensions37 Immigration and crime and the criminalization of immigrationPART VIII: Maintaining links across borders38 The historical, cultural, social, and political backgrounds of ethno-national diasporas39 Transnationalism40 Survival or incorporation? Immigrant (re)integration after deportation41 Return migrationPART IX: Methods for studying international migration42 Census analysis43 Binational migration surveys: representativeness, standardization, and the ethnosurvey model
Details ISBN0367729342 Pages 622 Publisher Taylor & Francis Ltd Year 2020 ISBN-10 0367729342 ISBN-13 9780367729349 Publication Date 2020-12-18 UK Release Date 2020-12-18 Edition 2nd Format Paperback Imprint Routledge Place of Publication London Country of Publication United Kingdom AU Release Date 2020-12-18 NZ Release Date 2020-12-18 Series Routledge International Handbooks Author Stephanie J. Nawyn Edited by Stephanie J. Nawyn Edition Description 2nd edition Alternative 9781032566610 DEWEY 304.8 Audience Tertiary & Higher Education Replaces 9781138787735 We've got this
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