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Rooted Resistance: Agrarian Myth in Modern America by Ross Singer (English) Pape

Rooted Resistance explores this fraught but promising food scene. By examining a range of case studies, Singer, Grey, and Motter aim for a deeper critical understanding of the many applications of agrarian myth and reveal why it can help provide a pathway for positive systemic change in the food system.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleRooted Resistance
Subject AreaData Analysis
Publication NameRooted Resistance: Agrarian Myth in Modern America
PublisherUniversity of Arkansas Press
SubjectGovernment, Mythology
SeriesFood and Foodways
Publication Year2020
TypeStudy Guide
Item Height229 mm
AuthorJeff Motter, Stephanie Houston Grey, Ross Singer
Item Width152 mm
Number of Pages318 Pages

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