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Roma Rights and Civil Rights: A Transatlantic Comparison by Felix B. Chang

Roma Rights and Civil Rights tackles the movements for - and expressions of - equality for Roma in Central and Southeast Europe and African Americans from two complementary perspectives: law and cultural studies. Interdisciplinary in approach, the book engages with comparative law, European studies, cultural studies, and critical race theory. Its central contribution is to compare the experiences of Roma and African Americans regarding racialization, marginalization, and mobilization for equality. Deploying a novel approach, the book challenges conventional notions of civil rights and paradigms in Romani studies.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleRoma Rights and Civil Rights: A Transatlantic Comp
Item Length22.9 cm
Subject AreaInternational Law, Civil Service, Constitutional Law
Publication NameRoma Rights and Civil Rights: a Transatlantic Comparison
PublisherCambridge University Press
SubjectLaw, Social Sciences
Publication Year2020
Item Height229 mm
AuthorFelix B. Chang, Sunnie T. Rucker-Chang
Item Weight670 g
Item Width152 mm
Number of Pages300 Pages

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