Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences by Frederick J. Gravetter and Lori-Ann B. Forzano (2005, Hardcover)Books > Textbooks, EducationSynopsis
Best-selling statistics author, Fredrick J. Gravetter, and co-author Lori-Ann B. Forzano have written a text for research methods that helps student see how interesting and exciting experimental and non-experimental research can be. Inviting and conversational, RESEARCH METHODS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Second Edition leads students through the research process from start to finish. Organized to match the research process, the text opens with tips and strategies for generating research ideas, moves to selecting measures and participants, and then offers an examination of research strategy and design. This step-by-step approach emphasizes the decisions researchers must make at each stage of the process. The authors' avoid a "cookbook" approach to the facts by linking terminology with applied concepts; their "lecture in a book" style makes the text accessible to students by emphasizing discussion and explanation of topics. Each chapter ends with a set of student exercises and activities.
Product IdentifiersISBN-100534558119ISBN-139780534558116Key DetailsAuthorFrederick J. Gravetter, Lori-Ann B. ForzanoNumber Of Pages512 pagesFormatHardcoverPublication Date2005-07-01LanguageEnglishPublisherWadsworthPublication Year20050000Additional DetailsEdition Number2Copyright Date2006IllustratedYesDimensionsWeight15.9 OzHeight1 In.Width7.3 In.Length9.2 In.Target AudienceGroupCollege AudienceClassification MethodLCCN2005-925687LC Classification NumberBF76.5.G73 2006Dewey Decimal150/.7/2Dewey Edition21Table Of Content
1. Introduction, Acquiring Knowledge, and the Scientific Method. 2. Research Ideas. 3. Defining and Measuring Variables. 4. Ethics in Research. 5. Selecting Research Participants. 6. Research Strategies and Validity. 7. The Experimental Research Strategy. 8. Experimental Designs: Between-Subjects Designs. 9. Experimental Designs: Within-Subjects Designs. 10. Non-Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Strategies: Nonequivalent Group, Pre-Post, and Developmental Designs. 11. Factorial Designs. 12. Correlatiional Research Strategy. 13. Descriptive Research Strategy. 14. Single-Subject Experimental Designs. 15. Statistical Evaluation of Data. 16. Writing an APA Style Research Report. Appendix A: Random Number Table and Instructions. Appendix B: Statistics Demonstrations and Statistical Tables. Appendix C: SPSS Instructions. Glossary. References. Index.