The Nile on eBay FREE SHIPPING UK WIDE Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Finance by Javed Ghulam Hussain, Jonathan M. Scott
Drawing upon current cutting-edge theories, knowledge and research findings, this Handbook provides an analysis of the interaction between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), entrepreneurs and financial institutions globally.
FORMATPaperback LANGUAGEEnglish CONDITIONBrand New Publisher Description
Drawing upon current cutting-edge theories, knowledge and research findings, this Handbook provides an analysis of the interaction between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), entrepreneurs and financial institutions globally.The contributors consider regional and international perspectives within and between Europe, North America, New Zealand, the Middle East, as well as South, Central and East Asia on a chapter-by-chapter basis. In so doing, they provide a contextualized, up-to-date snapshot of research into entrepreneurial finance across the world.This book is aimed at both established and emergent researchers, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students looking for avenues of future research into entrepreneurial finance. It will also be of use to policymakers and practitioners seeking a global perspective in their work.Contributors: M. Akoorie, H. Al-Dajani, R. Baldock, Z. Bika, T. Botelho, C.G. Brush, D. Deakins, D. Demirba , S. Demirba , L.F. Edelman, R.T. Harrison, S. Heilbrunn, J.G. Hussain, N. Kushnirovich, J. Li, C. Mac an Bhaird, S. Mahmood, T.S. Manolova, C. Mason, H. Matlay, M. Nitani, D. North, I. Peiris, A. Riding, N. Sandhu, J.M. Scott, P. Sinha, M. Subalova, S. Talbot, G. Whittam
Author Biography
Edited by Javed G. Hussain, Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance, Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University, UK and Jonathan M. Scott, Senior Lecturer in Innovation and Strategy, Waikato Management School, University of Waikato, Tauranga, New Zealand
Table of Contents
Contents:1. Introduction: Entrepreneurial Finance in Context in the Twenty-first CenturyJonathan M. Scott and Javed G. Hussain2. SME Lending: A New Role for Credit Unions?Steve Talbot, Ciarán Mac an Bhaird and Geoff Whittam3. Entrepreneurial Finance in New ZealandDavid Deakins4. Venture Capital Investment and Internationalization: A Case to ConsiderMiwako Nitani and Allan Riding5. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and their Capital Structure Decisions in Turkey: A Literature ReviewDilek Demirbas and Safa Demirba6. Resourcing Indigenous Export Ventures through Networks: Insights from the Sri Lankan Tea IndustryIndu Peiris, Michèle Akoorie and Paresha Sinha7. Business Angel Exits: Strategies and ProcessesColin Mason, Richard T. Harrison and Tiago Botelho8. The Role of UK Government Hybrid Venture Capital Funds in Addressing the Finance Gap Facing Innovative SMEs in the Post 2007 Financial Crisis EraRob Baldock and David North9. Readiness for Funding: The Influence of Entrepreneurial Team DiversityCandida G. Brush, Linda F. Edelman and Tatiana S. Manolova10. Entrepreneurial Finance of Minority and Migrant Groups in IsraelSybille Heilbrunn and Nonna Kushnirovich11. Bridging the Equity Funding Gap in Technological Entrepreneurship: The Case of Government-backed Venture Capital in ChinaJun Li12. Informal Lenders and Small/Marginal Farmers in India: An Unregulated Sociological Symbiotic Relationship?Navjot Sandhu, Javed G. Hussain and Harry Matlay13. Unilateral Microfinance? The Commercial Roots of Entrepreneurial DiversityMadina Subalova, Haya Al-Dajani and Zografia Bika14. Entrepreneurial Finance, Poverty Reduction and Gender: The Case of Women Entrepreneurs' Microloans in PakistanJaved G. Hussain, Samia Mahmood and Jonathan M. ScottIndex
'Across a range of country contexts, this Handbook highlights a number of important issues associated with the provision of funding to establish and grow new ventures, as well as enabling businesses to survive difficult economic times, such as the period following the GFC. This scholarly collection of both quantitative and qualitative studies covers a variety of topics, including access to microfinancing in Kazakhstan and the role of VC investors in promoting the internationalization of Canadian businesses.' -- John Watson, The University of Western Australia'This book of readings provides a fresh perspective on a problem that has challenged researchers and policymakers for nearly a century. It is well-established that SMEs face problems in raising finance that differ from those faced by large firms. What this book does is to investigate how the nature and scale of these problems vary between diverse countries, and against the backdrop of the Global Economic Crisis. I commend both the individual articles and the Editors' research and policy recommendations.' -- David Storey, University of Sussex, UK'A central problem for many new and small firms is the availability of financial resources. Entrepreneurial finance has been a significant research field for decades, and Hussain and Scott's edited collection is an important and novel contribution to the literature on entrepreneurial finance. Prior titles on entrepreneurial finance mainly provide knowledge on venture capital and focus primarily on financial markets in Western economies. This volume opens up new research avenues by taking a global outlook and introduces new issues in entrepreneurial finance.' -- Hans Landstrom, Lund University, Sweden
Review Quote
'This book of readings provides a fresh perspective on a problem that has challenged researchers and policymakers for nearly a century. It is well-established that SMEs face problems in raising finance that differ from those faced by large firms. What this book does is to investigate how the nature and scale of these problems vary between diverse countries, and against the backdrop of the Global Economic Crisis. I commend both the individual articles and the Editors' research and policy recommendations.'
Details ISBN1783478802 Author Jonathan M. Scott Pages 288 Publisher Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd ISBN-10 1783478802 ISBN-13 9781783478804 Language English Year 2017 Format Paperback DEWEY 332.04154 Imprint Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Place of Publication Cheltenham Country of Publication United Kingdom AU Release Date 2017-01-27 NZ Release Date 2017-01-27 UK Release Date 2017-01-27 Publication Date 2017-01-27 Series Research Handbooks in Business and Management series Edited by Jonathan M. Scott Audience Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly We've got this
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