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Red Rag To A Bull: Rural Life in an Urban Age by Jamie Blackett (English) Hardco

One minute he is unblocking his septic tank the next minute he is watching Glenn Close film a sex scene in his bedroom. After working in South Africa he joined the Coldstream Guards, serving in Northern Ireland, the First Gulf War, Hong Kong, the Falkland Islands, Zimbabwe and Germany.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleRed Rag to a Bull : Rural Life in an Urban Age
PublisherQuiller Publishing, The Limited
Item Length9.2 in
Publication Year2019
Item Height1.3 in
AuthorJamie Blackett
GenreNature, Technology & Engineering, Social Science, Biography & Autobiography
TopicCultural Heritage, General, Agriculture / General, Customs & Traditions
Item Weight22.8 Oz
Item Width6 in
Number of Pages256 Pages

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