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Read Write Inc. Phonics: Purple Set 2A Storybooks Mixed Pack of 5

These engaging Storybooks provide structured practice for children learning to read the Read Write Inc. Set 1 sounds. Each set of books is carefully levelled to match childrens growing phonic knowledge so children can read them with accuracy, fluency and comprehension.The Storybooks include a range of engaging stories such as fairy tales, myths and legends, rhyming stories and familiar vities at the start of the books help children.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 12 pages
AuthorCynthia Rider
Book TitleRead Write Inc. Phonics: Purple Set 2A Storybooks
Item Height0.9 cm
Item Length21.3 cm
Item Weight0.18 kg
Item Width15.6 cm
PublisherOxford University Press

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