The Nile on eBay Qualitative Research Methods by Sarah J. Tracy
Step-by-step advice for constructing a qualitative project from beginning to end, covering both foundational theory and real-world application Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact guides you through sequential stages of a qualitative research project, from project design and data collection to analysis, interpretation, and presentation. Drawing on her background in qualitative research methods and human communication, Sarah J. Tracy shares personal and backstage stories while showing you how to code data, craft meaningful claims, develop theoretical explanations, and communicate research that impacts key stakeholders. Employing a practical, problem-based contextual approach, the third edition of Qualitative Research Methods incorporates developments in textual, media, visual, arts-based, and digital analysis. New coverage includes social media data-scraping techniques, AI and ChatGPT, fieldwork and interviewing, digital ethnography, working with neurodivergent populations, adopting digital and traditional archival approaches, and much more. This edition includes a wealth of new examples, case studies, discussion questions, full-color visuals, and hands-on "Project Building Blocks" activities you can use at any stage of your qualitative research project. Supported by a companion website containing extensive teaching and learning tools, Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact is an indispensable resource for undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty across multiple disciplines, as well as researchers, ethnographers, and user experience professionals looking to hone their methodological practice.
FORMATPaperback CONDITIONBrand New Author Biography
SARAH J. TRACY is Professor and School Director of The Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University. She developed the "Big Tent" model for high-quality qualitative research and has published more than 100 scholarly monographs, in publications such as Communication Monographs, Management Communication Quarterly, and Communication Theory.
Table of Contents
Preface: Is this book for me? xvii About the Companion Website xxv 1 The impact and power of qualitative methods 1 Overview and introduction 2 Three core qualitative concepts: self-reflexivity, context, and thick description 2 Self-reflexivity 2 Context 4 Thick description 4 The strengths and distinctions of qualitative research 4 How qualitative research is distinct from quantitative research 5 Strengths of qualitative research 6 Qualitative research is useful in a variety of jobs, settings, and disciplines 8 Qualitative research skills are instrumental at work 8 EXERCISE 1.1 Interviewing a friend, colleague, or classmate 10 How qualitative methods show up in a range of disciplines and settings 11 Transforming ideas to sites, settings, and participants 12 Sources of research ideas 12 EXERCISE 1.2 Field/site/participant brainstorm 13 CONSIDER THIS 1.1 Sources of research ideas 14 Ethical compatibility, yield, suitability, and feasibility 15 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 1.1 Negotiating research with minoritized populations 18 TIPS AND TOOLS 1.1 Factoring the ease of fieldwork 19 Moving toward a research question 19 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 1.2 Published examples of research questions 21 EXERCISE 1.3 Early research question brainstorm 22 Considering collaboration 23 FOLLOWING, FORGETTING, AND IMPROVISING 24 In summary 25 PROJECT BUILDING BLOCK 1 Three potential field sites and/or participant groups 25 2 Entering the conversation of qualitative research 27 Phronetic iterative qualitative data analysis (PIQDA) 28 Inductive/emic, deductive/etic, and abductive/iterative approaches 30 The funnel metaphor 31 EXERCISE 2.1 A quick dip into the field 32 Sensitizing concepts 32 A complex focus on the whole 33 Naturalistic inquiry 34 Thick description 34 Bricolage 34 A sampling of theoretical approaches that commonly use qualitative methods 36 Symbolic interactionism 36 CONSIDER THIS 2.1 How do I know myself? 38 Structuration theory 38 CONSIDER THIS 2.2 Why am I standing in line? 40 EXERCISE 2.2 Action versus structure 41 Sensemaking 41 Historical matters and current conversations in qualitative research 43 The early days 43 Ethically problematic research and the creation of the IRB 44 Recent history in academia and the professional sector 45 Current conversations: social justice, ethics, post-qualitative research, big data 46 CONSIDER THIS 2.3 Celebrating diverse bodyminds in qualitative research 48 In summary 50 PROJECT BUILDING BLOCK 2 Research problems and questions 51 3 Paradigmatic reflections and qualitative research genres 54 Paradigms: positivist, interpretive, critical, postmodern 55 Positivist and post-positivist paradigms 55 Interpretive paradigm 57 EXERCISE 3.1 A frog's eye view through verstehen/understanding 59 Critical paradigm 59 Postmodern and other "post" paradigms 62 Paradigmatic complexities and intersections 65 EXERCISE 3.2 Assumptions of paradigmatic approaches 66 Key genres of qualitative research 68 Case study 68 Grounded theory 69 Ethnography and ethnography of communication 70 Phenomenology 72 Participatory action research 74 Narrative inquiry and autoethnography 76 Creative, performative, and arts-based approaches 77 In summary 78 PROJECT BUILDING BLOCK 3 Paradigmatic lens and qualitative genre 79 4 Research design, sampling, research proposals, ethics, and IRB 83 Planning the data collection: fieldwork, interviews, texts, and visuals 84 The value of fieldwork and "participant witnessing" 84 The value of interviews 86 The value of textual analysis and cultural studies 87 The value of visual and arts-based materials 88 Developing a sampling plan: who, what, where, how, and when 90 Random samples and representative samples 90 Convenience/opportunistic samples 91 Maximum variation samples 91 Snowball samples 92 Theoretical-construct samples 92 Typical, extreme, deviant, and critical incident samples 92 TIPS AND TOOLS 4.1 Sampling plans 94 How and when to choose your sample 94 Ethics and institutional review boards (IRB) 95 CONSIDER THIS 4.1 Ethical considerations during the research design phase 96 Research instruments, informed consent, and confidentiality 96 Different levels of ethical risk and IRB review 98 The quirks of IRB 99 Creating a research proposal 101 TIPS AND TOOLS 4.2 Research proposal components 102 Title, abstract, and keywords 102 Introduction/rationale 103 EXERCISE 4.1 Conceptual cocktail party 104 Literature review and conceptual framework 106 EXERCISE 4.2 Annotated bibliography 107 Research questions/foci 107 Methodology and methods 107 TIPS AND TOOLS 4.3 What belongs in a qualitative methods section? 108 Budget/timeline 108 TIPS AND TOOLS 4.4 What to include in a qualitative project budget 109 Projected outcomes 109 In summary 110 PROJECT BUILDING BLOCK 4 Research proposal & institutional ethics review 110 5 Negotiating access and exploring the scene 114 Confessional tales that illustrate common challenges of access and consent 115 Riding my mentor's coattails: Citywest 911 emergency call-takers 115 Becoming a full participant: the Radiant Sun cruise ship 116 Entering a closed organization: Women's Minimum and Nouveau Jail 117 Accessing an elite interviewee population surrounding a delicate topic 118 Practical considerations of negotiating access 119 Do some homework before you begin 120 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 5.1 Contact information log 121 Please don't reject me! Seeking research permission 121 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 5.2 Sample access proposal: Emotion, culture, and organizational communication 124 An ethical posture of accessing virtual and digital texts 125 Negotiating access for interviews and avoiding imposter participants 127 Abandoning the ego, engaging embodiment, embracing liminality 128 EXERCISE 5.1 Self-identity audit 130 Navigating those first research interactions 131 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 5.3 Initial reactions speak volumes 132 Relationship building with participants 133 Seeking informed consent in the scene 133 TIPS AND TOOLS 5.1 Navigating the beginning of the qualitative research project 134 Exploratory methods 134 Briefing interviews and participant information table 134 Member diaries 135 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 5.4 Participant information table 135 Maps and narrative tours 136 In summary 138 PROJECT BUILDING BLOCK 5 Research design, map, and narrative tour 139 6 Field roles, fieldnotes, and field focus 141 Field roles and standpoints 142 Complete participant 143 Play participant 145 CONSIDER THIS 6.1 When playing is uncomfortable 146 Focused witness 146 Complete witness 147 TIPS AND TOOLS 6.1 Advantages and disadvantages of different field roles 149 Visual, virtual, and digital aspects of fieldwork 150 Writing fieldnotes: raw records, headnotes, and formal fieldnotes 151 Raw records and headnotes 151 EXERCISE 6.1 Taking raw records in the scene 153 Formal fieldnotes 154 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 6.1 Fieldnote header 155 Qualities of good fieldnotes 156 Economy versus detail 156 Showing (and using dialogue) versus telling 156 Making the familiar strange and the strange familiar 157 Noticing the data as evidence 158 CONSIDER THIS 6.2 Noticing the data as evidence 159 Analytic reflections 159 Fieldnote wrap-up 160 TIPS AND TOOLS 6.2 Fieldnote writing tips 161 Focusing the data and using heuristic devices 161 FOLLOWING, FORGETTING, AND IMPROVISING 163 In summary 166 PROJECT BUILDING BLOCK 6 Fieldnotes 166 7 Interview planning and design: Structuring, wording, and questioning 169 Self-reflexivity in interviews 170 EXERCISE 7.1 Self-reflexive interviewing 171 Interview structure, type, and stance 171 Level of structure in interviews 171 Interview types: ethnographic, informant, respondent, narrative 173 Interview stances: deliberate naïveté, collaborative, pedagogical, responsive, confrontational 174 TIPS AND TOOLS 7.1 Interview structure, types, and stances 175 Interview guide and question wording 176 Wording good questions 176 EXERCISE 7.2 Strategizing interviews 176 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 7.1 Research questions versus interview questions 177 Interview questions: types, purposes, examples, and sequencing 178 Opening the interview 178 TIPS AND TOOLS 7.2 Interview question types 179 Generative questions 180 Directive questions 182 Closing the interview 184 Visual, embodied, and experiential interview approaches 184 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 7.2 Mobile peripatetic interviews 187 Interview question wrap-up 188 How many interviews are "enough"? 189 In summary 191 PROJECT BUILDING BLOCK 7 Annotated interview schedule/guide, sample rationale, and pilot 192 8 Interview practice: Embodied, mediated, and focus-group approaches 196 Conducting face-to-face interviews 197 Interview logistics 197 Why good interviewing is so much more than asking questions 199 Technologically mediated approaches to interviewing 201 Strengths of mediated interviews 202 Disadvantages of mediated interviews 203 TIPS AND TOOLS 8.1 Mediated interviews: advantages and disadvantages 204 The focus-group interview 205 The value of focus groups 206 When to use focus groups 208 Planning focus groups 208 TIPS AND TOOLS 8.2 Logistics of formal focus groups 209 Facilitating the focus group 211 EXERCISE 8.1 Practicing focus groups 212 Overcoming common focus group and interviewing challenges 213 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 8.1 Interviewing people who are suffering 215 EXERCISE 8.2 Role-playing interview challenges in a fishbowl 217 Transcribing 218 TIPS AND TOOLS 8.3 Common transcribing symbols 220 In summary 221 PROJECT BUILDING BLOCK 8 Interview practice, play-back, transcription, and fact-checking 222 9 Phronetic iterative qualitative data analysis (PIQDA) 224 Phronetic iterative qualitative data analysis (PIQDA) 225 Organizing and preparing the data 228 Coding: what it is and how to start 229 CONSIDER THIS 9.1 Motivating questions and coding domains 231 Analysis technology: manual approaches versus computerized software 232 Manual approaches 232 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 9.1 Manual coding visual displays: Artistic canvas and tabletop categories 233 Analysis using computers, AI, and qualitative data analysis software 235 Primary-cycle coding and first-level descriptive codes 236 EXERCISE 9.1 Playing with analysis and thinking qualitatively (also known as practicing without the fear of screwing it up) 238 Secondary-cycle coding: second-level analytic and axial/hierarchical codes 239 EXERCISE 9.2 Grouping together codes via axial and hierarchical coding 241 Focusing the analysis and creating a codebook 242 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 9.2 Codebook excerpt 243 CONSIDER THIS 9.2 Focusing the data analysis 246 Synthesizing activities: memos, negative cases, and analytic outlines 246 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 9.3 Analytic memos 247 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 9.4 Loose analysis outline 249 PIQDA visual overview and where to go from here 250 FOLLOWING, FORGETTING, AND IMPROVISING 251 In summary 252 PROJECT BUILDING BLOCK 9 Phronetic iterative qualitative data analysis (PIQDA) practices 253 10 Advanced data analysis: The art and magic of interpretation 256 Advanced tools for data analysis: visual displays and QDAS 258 Visual data displays 258 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 10.1 Matrix display 259 Qualitative data analysis software 261 Exemplars and vignettes 264 Developing typologies 266 Narrative analysis and dramatistic strategy 267 TIPS AND TOOLS 10.1 Questions to inspire narrative analysis 270 Metaphor analysis 271 Explanation and causality 274 Discourse tracing 276 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 10.2 Micro, meso, macro sources 277 A post-qualitative analysis: deconstructionism and arts-based research 279 FOLLOWING, FORGETTING, AND IMPROVISING 281 In summary 282 PROJECT BUILDING BLOCK 10 Advanced data analysis/interpretation 282 11 A big tent model of qualitative quality: Creating a credible, ethical, significant study 285 Combatting positivism creep: moving beyond objectivity, reliability, and formal generalizability 286 Eight "big tent" criteria for high-quality qualitative research 288 TIPS AND TOOLS 11.1 Eight "big tent" criteria for excellent qualitative research 289 Worthy topic 291 Rich rigor 291 EXERCISE 11.1 Gauging worth and rigor 292 Sincerity 293 Critical self-reflexivity 293 Transparency 294 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 11.1 Sincerity word cloud 294 Credibility 295 Thick description 295 Crystallization or triangulation (NOT both at the same time) 295 TIPS AND TOOLS 11.2 Intercoder reliability 297 Multivocality 297 Member reflections (NOT member "checks") 298 Resonance 299 Transferability, naturalistic generalization, and provocative generalization 300 Aesthetic merit 301 Significant contribution 301 EXERCISE 11.2 Articulating and gauging significance 304 Ethical research practice 304 Procedural ethics 304 Situational ethics 305 CONSIDER THIS 11.1 Situational and relational ethics 306 Meaningful coherence 306 FOLLOWING, FORGETTING, AND IMPROVISING 308 In summary 309 PROJECT BUILDING BLOCK 11 Articulating quality practices 309 12 Theorizing and writing: Explaining, synthesizing, and crafting a tale 313 Theorizing, brainstorming, explaining 314 EXERCISE 12.1 Words push back on us: a creative analytic exercise 316 EXERCISE 12.2 Theorizing via bracketing, abduction, metaphor, and explaining 317 Types of tales: realist, impressionistic/poetic, confessional/autoethnographic 318 The realist tale 318 Creative, impressionist, and poetic tales 319 The confessional tale 321 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 12.1 Poetic inquiry 322 CONSIDER THIS 12.1 Speculative fiction 323 EXERCISE 12.3 Accidental rewrites 324 Key puzzle pieces of a qualitative essay 324 Writing the framing material: title, abstract, key words 326 Writing the introduction, the literature review, and the conceptual framework 326 Writing the research questions and purposes 327 Writing the research methodology and method(s) 328 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 12.2 Methods data display 329 Findings and analysis: choosing an organizational approach 330 Themes/topics 330 Chronology/life-story 331 Convergence/braided narrative 331 Puzzle explication strategy 332 Separated text 333 Layered/messy texts 333 EXERCISE 12.4 Which writing strategy? 334 Implications, conclusions, limitations, and future directions 334 EXERCISE 12.5 Synthesizing implications simply and meaningfully 335 In summary 339 PROJECT BUILDING BLOCK 12 Article format model 340 13 Drafting, polishing, and publishing 343 Writing as a method of inquiry 345 How to write and format qualitative research 346 Choosing the research materials 346 Rich, luminous, and thick representations 347 Structuring the data in sections, paragraphs, and sentences 348 EXERCISE 13.1 Writing from different perspectives and verb tenses 349 Formatting qualitative work 350 Visual representations and art 352 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 13.1 Visual representation 354 Setting yourself up for success by considering the audience first 355 Submitting, revising, and resubmitting for journal publication 356 TIPS AND TOOLS 13.1 National or international journals that have published qualitative communication research (an incomplete list) 357 Writing as practice: creating good habits and overcoming challenges 360 How to write a lot 360 Addressing common challenges in qualitative writing 362 FOLLOWING, FORGETTING, AND IMPROVISING 366 In summary 366 PROJECT BUILDING BLOCK 13 Empirical qualitative research essay 368 14 Qualitative methodology matters: Exiting and communicating impact 369 Navigating exit and research disengagement 370 Give notice and say goodbye 371 Exits can be emotional 371 Don't spoil the scene 372 Give back 372 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 14.1 Thank you note 373 Ethically delivering the findings 374 TIPS AND TOOLS 14.1 Best practices for returning the findings 374 FOLLOWING, FORGETTING, AND IMPROVISING 375 Public scholarship: crafting representations that move beyond the scholarly essay 376 Public scholarship 376 Staged performances 377 RESEARCHER'S NOTEPAD 14.2 Staged performance with impact 378 Digital representations 379 White papers and translated essays 380 Grant applications and reports 381 TIPS AND TOOLS 14.2 White papers 382 Professional consulting and private-sector qualitative research 384 Media relations 384 EXERCISE 14.1 Six-word stories 385 Web presence 386 Warning: doing research that matters can be terrifying 388 Overcoming lingering obstacles to public scholarship 389 EXERCISE 14.2 Making an impact via public scholarship 391 FOLLOWING, FORGETTING, AND IMPROVISING 391 In summary 393 Appendix A Fieldnote 394 Appendix B Focus group guide 396 Appendix C Interview/focus group excerpts with different levels of transcription detail 400 References 404 Index 431
Details ISBN1119988659 Author Sarah J. Tracy Pages 480 Year 2024 Edition 3rd ISBN-13 9781119988656 Format Paperback Subtitle Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact DEWEY 001.42 Replaces 9781119390787 Audience Professional & Vocational ISBN-10 1119988659 Publisher John Wiley and Sons Ltd Edition Description 3rd edition Imprint Wiley-Blackwell Place of Publication Hoboken US Release Date 2024-12-18 Country of Publication United Kingdom Publication Date 2024-09-23 UK Release Date 2024-09-23 AU Release Date 2024-10-10 We've got this
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