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Professor Risley and the Imperial Japanese Troupe: How an American Acrobat Intro

"Frederik L. Schodt has at long last unveiled the fascinating story of 'Professor Risley.'. Circus scholars, history buffs, and anyone with an ounce of curiosity should be grateful to him.". -Dominique Jando,"Professor" Risley (Richard Risley Carlisle) introduced the Western circus to Japan in 1864.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleProfessor Risley and the Imperial Japanese Troupe : How an American Acrobat Introduced Circus to Japan--And Japan to the West
PublisherStonebridge Press
Item Length9 in
Publication Year2012
Item Height1.5 in
AuthorFrederik L. Schodt
GenrePerforming Arts, Social Science, History
TopicCircus, Sociology / General, Social History, Popular Culture
Item Weight22.5 Oz
Item Width6 in
Number of Pages336 Pages

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