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Principles of Magnetostatics Fernow Paperback Cambridge University Press

Magnetostatics, the mathematical theory that describes the forces and fields resulting from the steady flow of electrical currents, has a long history. By capturing the basic concepts, and building towards the computation of magnetic fields, this book is a self-contained discussion of the major subjects in magnetostatics.

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ConditionBrand New
BIC Subject Area 1Particle & high-energy physics [PHP]
BIC Subject Area 2Nuclear physics [PHN]
BIC Subject Area 3Electricity, electromagnetism & magnetism [PHK]
BIC Subject Area 4Classical mechanics [PHD]
AuthorRichard C. Fernow
Book TitlePrinciples of Magnetostatics
Number of Pages314
PublisherCambridge University Press
FormatPaperback / softback
Publication Year2023
Publication Date09/02/2023
Item Depth16
Item Width177
Item Height253

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