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Preaching Through Proverbs: A Collection of Sermons by the Pastors of Central

Imagine feeling the heat of a summer day as you sit inside a tin-roofed church building listening to a pastor preach to you from the Word of God. The echoes of voices resound as the congregants speak out their appreciation for what they are hearing. This is Africa. This is church. This is worship around the Word of God where Jesus is the center. This collection of sermons by the pastors of Central African nations of Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe contains stories, discussion questions and commentary on the Book of Proverbs by the men and women who daily live out their faith in the trenches.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 194 pages
Recommended Age Range0-12 months
AuthorAbel Chewe
Book TitlePreaching Through Proverbs: A Collection of Sermon
Item Height1 cm
Item Length21.6 cm
Item Weight0.23 kg
Item Width14 cm
LanguageEng Publishing

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