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Practical Socialism for Britain (Routledge Revivals) by Hugh Dalton [Paperback]

First published in 1935, Practical Socialism for Britain presents an assessment of the Labour government’s policy options and aggressively advocates for socialism Britain’s panacea. Citing apathy and panic-mongering as the greatest enemies of the Labour Party, the author asserts that the Labour Party can restore meaning and sincerity to politics by bringing about tangible development and eliminating the militarisation of politics. He also exhorts the Crown and the civil services to be politically neutral and pledge allegiance to the Constitution. Strictly anti-fascist and anti-communist, this book will be of interest to students of history, political science, and government.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 414 pages
AuthorHugh Dalton
Book TitlePractical Socialism for Britain (Routledge Revival
Item Height12.9 cm
Item Weight0.45 kg
Item Width19.8 cm

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