An introductory and intermediate level handbook written in pragmatic style to explain residual stresses and to provide straightforward guidance about practical measurement methods. Residual stresses play major roles in engineering structures, with highly beneficial effects when designed well, and catastrophic effects when ignored. With ever-increasing concern for product performance and reliability, there is an urgent need for a renewed assessment of traditional and modern measurement techniques. Success critically depends on being able to make the most practical and effective choice of measurement method for a given application. Practical Residual Stress Measurement Methods provides the reader with the information needed to understand key residual stress concepts and to make informed technical decisions about optimal choice of measurement technique. Each chapter, written by invited specialists, follows a focused and pragmatic format, with subsections describing the measurement principle, residual stress evaluation, practical measurement procedures, example applications, references and further reading. The chapter authors represent both international academia and industry. Each of them brings to their writing substantial hands-on experience and expertise in their chosen field. Fully illustrated throughout, the book provides a much-needed practical approach to residual stress measurements. The material presented is essential reading for industrial practitioners, academic researchers and interested students. Key features: * Presents an overview of the principal residual stress measurement methods, both destructive and non-destructive, with coverage of new techniques and modern enhancements of established techniques * Includes stand-alone chapters, each with its own figures, tables and list of references, and written by an invited team of international specialists
Gary S. Schajer is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. He received his doctorate from the University of California, at Berkeley and worked as a senior research engineer in industry before returning to academia. His research interests include hole-drilling measurements of residual stress and related inverse solutions, and he has been the recipient of numerous awards for teaching and research. Professor Schajer has written extensively in related journals and conference proceedings, and is currently the Associate Technical Editor of Experimental Mechanics.
List of Contributors xv Preface xvii 1 Overview of Residual Stresses and Their Measurement 1 Gary S. Schajer and Clayton O. Ruud 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Relaxation Measurement Methods 7 1.3 Diffraction Methods 13 1.4 Other Methods 16 1.5 Performance and Limitations of Methods 18 1.6 Strategies for Measurement Method Choice 19 References 24 2 Hole Drilling and Ring Coring 29 Gary S. Schajer and Philip S. Whitehead 2.1 Introduction 29 2.2 Data Acquisition Methods 31 2.3 Specimen Preparation 35 2.4 Hole Drilling Procedure 42 2.5 Computation of Uniform Stresses 47 2.6 Computation of Profile Stresses 51 2.7 Example Applications 54 2.8 Performance and Limitations of Methods 57 References 61 3 Deep Hole Drilling 65 David J. Smith 3.1 Introduction and Background 65 3.2 Basic Principles 68 3.3 Experimental Technique 72 3.4 Validation of DHD Methods 75 3.5 Case Studies 80 3.6 Summary and Future Developments 83 Acknowledgments 84 References 85 4 The Slitting Method 89 Michael R. Hill 4.1 Measurement Principle 89 4.2 Residual Stress Profile Calculation 90 4.3 Stress Intensity Factor Determination 96 4.4 Practical Measurement Procedures 96 4.5 Example Applications 99 4.6 Performance and Limitations of Method 101 4.7 Summary 106 References 106 5 The Contour Method 109 Michael B. Prime and Adrian T. DeWald 5.1 Introduction 109 5.2 Measurement Principle 110 5.3 Practical Measurement Procedures 114 5.4 Residual Stress Evaluation 117 5.5 Example Applications 121 5.6 Performance and Limitations of Methods 130 5.7 Further Reading On Advanced Contour Method Topics 133 Acknowledgments 134 References 135 6 Applied and Residual Stress Determination Using X-ray Diffraction 139 Conal E. Murray and I. Cevdet Noyan 6.1 Introduction 139 6.2 Measurement of Lattice Strain 141 6.3 Analysis of Regular dphipsi vs. sin2psi Data 143 6.4 Calculation of Stresses 145 6.5 Effect of Sample Microstructure 146 6.6 X-ray Elastic Constants (XEC) 149 6.7 Examples 153 6.8 Experimental Considerations 159 6.9 Summary 160 Acknowledgments 160 References 160 7 Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction 163 Philip Withers 7.1 Basic Concepts and Considerations 163 7.2 Practical Measurement Procedures and Considerations 169 7.3 Angle-dispersive Diffraction 184 7.4 Energy-dispersive Diffraction 188 7.5 New Directions 191 7.6 Concluding Remarks 192 References 193 8 Neutron Diffraction 195 Thomas M. Holden 8.1 Introduction 195 8.2 Formulation 199 8.3 Neutron Diffraction 201 8.4 Neutron Diffractometers 206 8.5 Setting up an Experiment 210 8.6 Analysis of Data 211 8.7 Systematic Errors in Strain Measurements 213 8.8 Test Cases 215 Acknowledgments 221 References 221 9 Magnetic Methods 225 David J. Buttle 9.1 Principles 225 9.2 Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) and Acoustic Barkhausen Emission (ABE) 229 9.3 The MAPS Technique 235 9.4 Access and Geometry 243 9.5 Surface Condition and Coatings 244 9.6 Issues of Accuracy and Reliability 245 9.7 Examples of Measurement Accuracy 250 9.8 Example Measurement Approaches for MAPS 252 9.9 Example Applications with ABE and MAPS 253 9.10 Summary and Conclusions 256 References 257 10 Ultrasonics 259 Don E. Bray 10.1 Principles of Ultrasonic Stress Measurement 259 10.2 History 264 10.3 Sources of Uncertainty in Travel-time Measurements 265 10.4 Instrumentation 266 10.5 Methods for Collecting Travel-time 266 10.6 System Uncertainties in Stress Measurement 270 10.7 Typical Applications 271 10.8 Challenges and Opportunities for Future Application 274 References 275 11 Optical Methods 279 Drew V. Nelson 11.1 Holographic and Electronic Speckle Interferometric Methods 279 11.2 Moir¿e Interferometry 286 11.3 Digital Image Correlation 290 11.4 Other Interferometric Approaches 294 11.5 Photoelasticity 294 11.6 Examples and Applications 295 11.7 Performance and Limitations 295 References 298 Further Reading 302 Index 303