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Political Tolerance and American Democracy, Paperback by Sullivan, John L.; P...

This path-breaking book reconceptualizes our understanding of political tolerance as well as of its foundations. Previous studies, the authors contend, overemphasized the role of education in explaining the presence of tolerance, while giving insufficient weight to personality and ideological factors.

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ConditionLike New
Book TitlePolitical Tolerance and American Democracy
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Philosophy, Social Science
Publication NamePolitical Tolerance and American Democracy
PublisherUniversity of Chicago Press
Item Length0.9 in
SubjectSociology / General, Civil Rights, General, Political Ideologies / Democracy
Publication Year1993
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.1 in
AuthorJohn L. Sullivan, George E. Marcus, James Piereson
Item Weight15.9 Oz
Item Width0.6 in
Number of Pages288 Pages

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