About the Book
Books about Poetry, in the main, present the poetical works of a poet, which may be arranged in a number of different ways, and may belong to several schools of poetical expression. Titles include: Goethes Sprüche in Prosa, Maximen und Reflexionen, The Poetess, and Other Poems, Gray: Poems Published in 1768, The Rhymester, or, the Rules of Rhyme: A Guide to English Versification, and The Riverside Literature Series; Verse and Prose for Beginners in Reading: Selected from English and American Literature.
Also in this Book
Books about Ancient, Classical and Medieval Poetry begin with the ancient epic poetry of Babylon and Greece. Poetry did not flourish in the Middle Ages, but experienced re-birth during the Renaissance. Titles include: Aristotle on the Art of Poetry, A Study of the Anglo-Saxon Poem, The Harrowing of Hell; Dissertation, Beowulf, an Old English Poem, Translated into Modern Rhymes, Das neue Leben; La Vita Nova, Homer. The Odyssey, Sonnets from Marcus Aurelius, Homer. The Odyssey, Longmans English Classics. Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome, Lucretius, epicurean and poet, and Selections from ancient Irish poetry.
And in this Book
Books that are Poetry Anthologies present poems by multiple authors, which may often be themed in some way. Titles include: An Anthology of Modern Verse, Four great teachers: John Ruskin, Thomas Carlyle, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Robert Browning, In praise of Cambridge: an anthology in prose and verse, Some Imagist Poets: An Anthology, Modern Russian poetry; an anthology, The Best Short Poems of the Nineteenth Century, and Four American Poets: William Cullen Bryant, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John Greenleaf Whittier, Oliver Wendell Holmes. A Book for Young Americans.
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