Honey Hole mines site, Located at Keithley Creek, B.C.
For sale are 12 placer claims (295.62 ha-730.49 acres) all adjoining. 2 legacy claims held by owners for 26 years, and 10 cell claims. The purity of the gold on these claims is 93%.
These claims have never been mechanically mined, therefore, the gold remains in the ground. There is no machinery included in the price.
There has only been hand mining over the years and only 1 claim had a mechanical test trench done which showed an abundance of gold.
Tenure #402603 (mechanically tested) with a deep channel showed an abundance of gold. Geologist’s preliminary report reference to the trench. Page 8
Buy the complete mine site or separate claims with an option.
Hand mining on the surface of all of these claims produced a range of 9 pieces – 30 pieces to the pan.
The mechanical test produced ounces to the yard at the 82 ft depth, however, only two yards had been tested before the test trench sloughed in.
There is a channel with the continuance of Kitchener Pit. There are channels on these claims, varied from deep channels to buried channels, graveled areas, a high bench and a low bench, also tributaries.
Almost all of the claims have been logged and have solid roads running through them, making these claims mining-ready. Water is available.
These claims also adjoin the famous Kitchener Pit Minfile 093A 004.The old timers produced in 1945 a recorded production of 1,100,891 grams of placer gold from the Kitchener Pit mine.
A recent Geophysical Survey on the Kitchener Pit AR 39657
Mining season usually starts end of April and continues until October 31st which is usually the first snowfall that stays.
Note: These claims are for mining purposes only.