About the editor
List of contributors
Editor introduction
Part 1: Transforming teacher education and teacher training with Philosophy for/with Children
Teacher Education: Developments, characteristics, and challenges
Ayelet Becher
Philosophy for/with Children, Teacher Training, and value transmission: Contradictions, problems, and a solution
Viktor Gardelli
Using Philosophy for/with Children in initial Teacher Education as a pedagogical approach to challenge neoliberalism in education
Rhiannon Love
The teacher in a community of (philosophical) inquiry: "Sage on the side and guide on the stage"
Laurance J. Splitter
Philosophy for/with Children and teachers¿ perspectives: the need to understand teachers¿ beliefs and values
Ben Kilby
Transforming Teacher Education with Philosophy for Children
Lizzy Lewis
Philosophical teaching-and-learning: Professional development for every teacher
Roger Sutcliffe
Part 2: Between professional knowledge, assessment, and professional development
Moving beyond official prescriptions towards a professional pedagogy of reasoning and dialogue in initial teacher education
Roger Sutcliffe and Diane Swift
Committing to concepts: making explicit the significance of philosophical dialogues in the professional formation of teachers
Diane Swift
Training Philosophy for Children Facilitators via technology and peer assessment
Keith J. Topping
Teacher interventions in the community of philosophical inquiry: Standards-referenced assessment tools
Janette Poulton
Part 3: Embedding Philosophy for/with Children to Teacher Education
Embedding Philosophy for/with Children in initial Teacher Education: a stealth model
Rhiannon Love and Emma Gogo
Integrating Philosophy for/with Children within a final year teacher education curriculum in South Africa
Lena Green and Janet Condy
From philosophy in school to a philosophy school: philosophy workshops to revive the thirst for knowledge
Edwige Chirouter
Contagious commitment: what might a Philosophy for Children summer camp offer Teacher Education programs?
Alex Newby, Daniel J. Anderson, Jason Chen, Arthur C. Wolf, and Susan T. Gardner
Part 4
Challenging the curriculum with philosophical topics
Philosophy from the corners: Incorporating philosophical inquiry into a crowded curriculum
Wendy C. Turgeon
Education in the context of uncertainty
Susan T. Gardner
Philosophising with children: Uncertainty as a challenge for teachers and a learning opportunity in an age of risk
Kerstin Michalik
Philosophy for/with Children and learning for sustainability: Lessons for teachers
Claire Cassidy
Rethinking teacher preparation for teaching controversial topics in a community of inquiry
Simone Thornton, Gilbert Burgh, Jennifer Bleazby and Mary Graham
Part 5: Becoming a Philosophy for Children teacher: Challenges and opportunities
Becoming a Philosophy for Children teacher through informal training: Challenges, opportunities and conducive conditions
Kei Nishiyama, Taiji Ogawa, Tomoyuki Murase and Kohei Seki
Becoming philosophical student teachers
Jude Penny
What conflicts do teachers face in the process of transforming their professional identities through Philosophy for Children in their first years of practice?Wakako Good and Eriko Yamabe