Oxford Handbook of Dance and the Popular Screen, Hardcover by Borelli, Melissa Blanco (EDT), ISBN 0199897824, ISBN-13 9780199897827, Brand New, Free P&P in the UK<em>The Oxford Handbook of Dance and the Popular Screen</em> sets the agenda for the study of dance in popular moving images - films, television shows, commercials, music videos, and YouTube - and offers new ways to understand the multi-layered meanings of the dancing body by engaging with<br>methodologies from critical dance studies, performance studies, and film/media analysis. Through thorough engagement with these approaches, the chapters demonstrate how dance on the popular screen might be read and considered through bodies and choreographies in moving media. <br><br>Questions the contributors consider include: How do dance and choreography function within the filmic apparatus? What types of bodies are associated with specific dances and how does this affect how dance(s) is/are perceived in the everyday? How do the dancing bodies on screen negotiate power,<br>access, and agency? How are multiple choreographies of identity (., race, class, gender, sexuality, and nation) set in motion through the narrative, dancing bodies, and/or dance style? What types of corporeal labors (dance training, choreographic skill, rehearsal, the constructed notion of<br>"natural talent") are represented or ignored? What role does a specific film have in the genealogy of Hollywood dance film? How does the Hollywood dance film inform how dance operates in making cultural meanings?<br><br>Whether looking at Bill "Bojangles" Robinson's tap steps in <em>Stormy Weather</em>, or Baby's leap into Johnny Castle's arms in <em>Dirty Dancing</em>, or even Neo's backwards bend in <em>The Matrix</em>, th's arguments offer powerful new scholarship on dance in the popular screen.<br>