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Owl in a towel and other stories (Funny Rhyming Stories) by Lesley Sims

Five hilarious rhyming animal tales that are fun to read aloud. This book is filled with five fun rhyming stories that make reading a pleasure. There's an owl who dreams of being a superhero, a window-cleaning adder who's scared of heights and an axolotl who meets a genie. Add a flamingo who loves bingo plus a musical pangolin and you have a collection that's sure to appeal to any young reader.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 120 pages
AuthorLesley Sims
Book TitleOwl in a towel and other stories (Funny Rhyming St
Item Height1.2 cm
Item Length21.6 cm
Item Weight0.24 kg
Item Width21.6 cm
PublisherUsborne Publishing Ltd

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