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On Poetry by Giovanni Antonio Viperano (English) Hardcover Book

Knowledge of 16th century poetics has grown very slowly in the English-speaking world, and much that has been written on the subject reflects the critical preconceptions of our own age. It is important for us to know firsthand what the literary perceptions of 16th century writers and readers were, because that century stands squarely in the middle of the greatest outpouring of literature in Western history - the early modern, pre-Romantic period.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleOn Poetry
Subject AreaLiterary Criticism, Language Arts & Disciplines
Publication NameOn Poetry
PublisherClarke Company, The Limited, James
Item Length9.2 in
SubjectModern / 16th Century, Rhetoric, Poetry
Publication Year1987
SeriesLibrary of Renaissance Humanism Ser.
AuthorG. A. Viperano
Item Weight19.1 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of Pages240 Pages

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