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Nuclear Matters: A Practical Guide 2008 Department Of Defense PB RARE Informing!

This rare and informative book titled "Nuclear Matters: A Practical Guide" is a must-have for anyone interested in the subject. Published in 2008 by the Department of Defense, this book provides a comprehensive and practical guide to nuclear matters. It is written in English and covers a wide range of topics related to nuclear energy, weapons, and policy. The book is perfect for those who are interested in learning more about the history, technology, and politics of nuclear energy. It is an excellent resource for students, researchers, and policy experts who want to gain a deeper understanding of the subject. With its unique insights and practical approach, this book is sure to become a valuable addition to any library.

23.49$ Buy It Now

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Seller annash_26 ( 126 ⭐ ) 92.9%
Location: Hampton, US, Virginia
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ConditionLike New
Publication Year2008
Book TitleNuclear matters a practical guide

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