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North American Indians: A Comprehensive Account by Alice Beck Kehoe (English) Pa

Her fieldwork has stretched from Saskatchewan to Bolivia and from the Czech Republic to Illinois. Author Alice Beck Kehoe. It shows Indians as "a people with history" and not as primitives, covering current ideological issues and political situations including treaty rights, sovereignty, and repatriation.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleNorth American Indians: A Comprehensive Account
Subject AreaSocial Science
Publication NameNorth American Indians : a Comprehensive Account
Item Length9.2 in
SubjectAnthropology / Cultural & Social, Ethnic Studies / Native American Studies, Anthropology / General
Publication Year2005
Item Height1.2 in
AuthorAlice Beck Kehoe
Item Weight32.1 Oz
Item Width6.9 in
Number of Pages628 Pages

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