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New Testament and the Theology of Trust : This Rich Trust, Hardcover by Morga...

God entrusts Christ with winning the trust of humanity and bringing humanity to trust in God. God and Christ trust humanity to respond to God's initiative through Christ, and entrust. She examines the neglected concept of propositional trust and argues that it plays a key role in faith.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleNew Testament and the Theology of Trust : This Rich Trust
Subject AreaReligion
Publication NameNew Testament and the Theology of Trust : 'this Rich Trust'
PublisherOxford University Press, Incorporated
Item Length9.4 in
SubjectChristian Life / General, Christian Theology / General
Publication Year2022
Item Height1.4 in
AuthorTeresa Morgan
Item Weight31 Oz
Item Width6.5 in
Number of Pages480 Pages

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