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Natural History Museum Dinosaur Sticker Book by The Natural History Museum

Fully revised with cool, contemporary artwork, the all new Dinosaur Sticker Book is packed with over 100 stickers. Meet dinosaurs in all shapes and sizes from each of the main dinosaur groups, from ferocious hunters like Giganotosaurus to gentle giants like Diplodocus. Chomp through bite-size facts about what dinosaurs ate, how they attacked or defended themselves, and learn how to say some really big words. Guaranteed to get children hooked on these extraordinary creatures, the book is fully checked and approved by the Natural History Museum dinosaur experts.

15.29$ Buy It Now

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 16 pages
AuthorThe Natural History Museum
Book TitleNatural History Museum Dinosaur Sticker Book by Th
Item Height0.8 cm
Item Length28.7 cm
Item Weight0.17 kg
Item Width23.1 cm
PublisherNatural History Museum

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