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The Complete List of the Books Title
A chapter in the history of Cleveland, by Burton, Clarence Monroe (1895)
A descriptive catalogue of Catlin's Indian collection, by Catlin, George (1848)
A history of the upper country of South Carolina, by Logan, John Henry (1859)
A journal of a mission to the Indians of the British provinces, by West, John (1827)
A narrative of the life of Mary Jemison - white woman of the Genesee, by Seaver, James (1918)
A report from Natchitoches in 1807, by Sibley, John (1922)
A short biography of John Leeth, with an account of his life among the Indians, by Leeth, John (1904)
Adventures with Indians, by Mighels, Philip Verrill (1908)
Alasco, an Indian tale, by Simmons, William Hayne (1857)
American Indian fairy tales - Snow Bird, the Water Tiger, etc., by Compton, Margaret (1907)
American Indian life, by Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews (1922)
American Indian portraits, by Hill, Louis Warren (n.d)
American Indian stories, by Zitkala-Sa (1921)
American Indians - first families of the Southwest, by Huckel, John Frederick (1920)
American Indians, by Greene, Charles Warren (1888)
American Indians, by Starr, Frederick (1899)
America's Indian background, introduction to the Indians in the United States, by Walker, Edwin Francis (1945)
Among the Sioux of Dakota - eighteen months experience as an Indian agent, by Poole, Dewitt Clinton (1881)
An address to mark the spot Capt. Joseph Davis and Lt. William Jones were slain by the Indians, by Phelps, John Case (1897)
An historical and geographical memoir of the North-American nations and tribes, by Gordon, James Bentley (1820)
An illustrated history of the Yellowstone Valley, by Western Historical Publishing Co. (1907)
Anecdotes of the American Indians, by Blake, John Lauris (1850)
Annals of the American Revolution account of the first settlement & the principal Indian Wars, by Morse, Jedidiah (1824)
Annals of the West, by Perkins, James Handasyd (1846)
Antiquities of Long Island, by Furman, Gabriel (1875)
Antiquities of the St. Francis, White, and Black Rivers, Arkansas, by Moore, Clarence B. (1910)
Antiquities of the Upper Verde River and Walnut Creek valleys, Arizona, by Fewkes, Jesse Walter (1913)
Before the white man came - Indian legends and stories, by BurkhOLD & RAREer, Mabel (1923)
Biography and history of the Indians of North America - also, a history of their wars, by Drake, Samuel Gardner (1837)
Biography and history of the Indians of North America, from its first discovery, by Drake, Samuel Gardner (1848)
Biography of Frances Slocum, narrative of her captivity & wanderings among the Indians, by Meginness, John Franklin (1891)
Blue Eye - a story of the people of the plains, by Mock, Fred G (1905)
Boys' book of Indian warriors and heroic Indian women, by Sabin, Edward Legrand (1918)
California and her Indian children, by Taber, Cornelia; Northern California Indian Association (1911)
Caproni casts - American Indians and other sculptures by Cyrus E. Dallin. (1915)
Cateechee of Keeowee a descriptive poem, by Daniel, James Walter (1898)
Cherokee and earlier remains on upper Tennessee river, by Harrington, Mark Raymond (1922)
Cherokee Sacred Formulas And Medicinal Prescriptions, by Mooney, James (1932)
Chronicles of border warfare, A history of the settlement by the whites & the Indian wars, by Withers, Alexander Scott (1831)
Constitution and laws of the Cherokee Nation, by St. Louis R. & T.A. Ennis (1875)
Creation myths of primitive America in relation to the religious history of mankind, by Curtin, Jeremiah (1898)
David Brainerd, the apostle to the North American Indians, by Page, Jesse (1891)
David Cusick's sketches of ancient history of the Six Nations, by Cusick, David (1848)
Description of a wood engraving illustrating the South American Indians, by Eames, Wilberforce (1922)
Dictionary of American Indians north of Mexico, by United States. Bureau of Ethnology (1903)
Documents and biography pertaining to the settlement and progress of Stark County, Illinois, by Leeson, Michael A. (1887)
Earliest days in America, by Hazard, Blanche Evans (1897)
Early settlers and Indian fighters of southwest Texas, by Sowell, Andrew Jackson (1900)
Eastern band of Cherokees of North Carolina, by United States. Census Office (1892)
English institutions and the American Indian, by James, James Alton (1894)
Eoneguski, or, The Cherokee chief - a tale of past wars Vol. 1, by Strange, Robert (1839)
Eoneguski, or, The Cherokee chief - a tale of past wars Vol. 2, by Strange, Robert (1839)
Famous Indian chiefs, by Johnston, Charles Haven Ladd (1909)
Fanciful tales from legends of the Adirondack Indians, by Brewer, Kate (1905)
Folk-lore and legends. North American Indian, by Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co (1891)
Food plants of the North American Indians, by Yanovsky, Elias (1936)
Glooskap's country and other Indian tales, by MacMillan, Cyrus (1922)
Goodbird the Indian - his story, by Goodbird, Edward (1914)
Handbook of American Indian languages Vol. 1, by Boas, Franz (1911)
Handbook of American Indian languages Vol. 2, by Boas, Franz (1911)
Handbook of American Indian languages Vol. 3, by Boas, Franz (1911)
Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico Vol. 1, by Hodge, Frederick Webb (1907)
Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico Vol. 2, by Hodge, Frederick Webb (1907)
Handbook of Indians of Canada, by Hodge, Frederick Webb (1913)
Historical collections of Georgia, by Rev. George White (1855)
History of Auglaize County, Ohio with the Indian history of Wapakoneta, and first settlement, by Sutton, Robert (1880)
History of the Cherokee Indians and their legends and folk lore, by Starr, Emmet (1921)
History of the Delaware and Iroquois Indians, by Philadelphia, American Sunday School Union (1832)
History of the Indian tribes of Hudson's River; their origin, manners and customs, by Ruttenber, Edward Manning (1872)
History of the Lackawanna Valley, by Hollister, Horace (1869)
History of the White mountains, by Willey, Benjamin Glazier (1870)
History, manners, and customs of the North American Indians, by Summers, Thomas O. (Thomas Osmond), (1859)
Hopi katcinas drawn by native artists, by Fewkes, Jesse Walter (1903)
Hopi songs, by Gilman, Benjamin Ives (1908)
Hupa texts, by Goddard, Pliny Earle (1904)
Indian biography - historical account of individuals distinguished among the North American natives (Volume 1), by Thatcher, B.B. (1860)
Indian biography - historical account of individuals distinguished among the North American natives (Volume 2), by Thatcher, B.B. (1860)
Indian Biography, by Thatcher, Benjamin Bussy (1800)
Indian biography, containing the lives of more than two hundred Indian chiefs, by Drake, Samuel (1832)
Indian depredations in Texas - accounts of battles, wars, adventures, forays, murders, massacres, by Wilbarger, John Wesley (1890)
Indian folk tales, by Nixon-Roulet, Mary F (1911)
Indian heroes and great chieftains, by (1918)
Indian legends retOLD & RARE, by Eastman, Elaine Goodale (1919)
Indian legends, by Haskell Institute (1914)
Indian life and battles - a minute and graphic story of the early Indian in the United States, by Thatcher, Benjamin Bussey (1910)
Indian massacres and tales of the red skins, by Bookstover, James N (1895)
Indian myths of South Central California, by Kroeber, Alfred Louis (1907)
Indian population in the United States and Alaska, by McKenzie, Fayette Avery (1915)
Indian researches, or, facts concerning the North American Indians, by Slight, Benjamin (1844)
Indians and pioneers; an historical reader for the young, by Hazard, Blanche Evans (1897)
Indians in the war, by Office of Indian Affairs (1945)
Indians of Manhattan Island and vicinity, by Skinner, Alanson (1921)
Indians of Manhattan Island and vicinity, by Skinner, Alanson (1926)
Indians of Manhattan Island and vicinity, by Skinner, Alanson (1947)
Indians of Southern California, by Walker, Edwin Francis (1937)
Indians of the Chicago region, by Winslow, Charles Spaulding (1946)
Indians of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, by Speck, Frank Gouldsmith (1922)
Indians of the Southwest, by Dorsey, George Amos (1903)
Indians of the Southwest, by Goddard, Pliny Earle (1931)
Indians of to-day, by Grinnell, George Bird (1915)
Introduction to the study of mortuary customs among the North American Indians, by Yarrow, Harry Crécy (1880)
Iroquoian Cosmology, by Hewitt, John Napoleon Brinton (1904)
Kaw-wau-nita, and other poems, by Woods, C. L (1873)
Legends of the Susquehanna, and other poems, by Purdy, Truman Harvey (1888)
Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and condition of the North American Indians, by Catlin, George (1841)
Life among the Apaches, by John C. Cremony (1868)
Life among the Indians, Personal Reminiscences & Historical Incidents Illustrative of Indian Life, by James B. Finley (1857)
Linguistic families of American Indians North of Mexico, by Powell, John Wesley (1915)
Literary aspects of North American mythology, by Radin, Paul (1915)
Literature of the Cherokees, by Foster, George Everett (1889)
Lives of celebrated American Indians, by Goodrich, Samuel GriswOLD & RARE (1844)
Lives of famous Indian chiefs from Cofachiqui, the Indian princess down to Chief Joseph, by Wood, Norman Barton (1906)
Lone Bull's mistake - a Lodge Pole chief story, by Schultz, James Willard (1918)
Lost Indian magic; a mystery story of the red man as he lived before the white men came, by Moon, Grace (1918)
Maidu texts, by Dixon, Roland Burrage (1912)
Many many moons; a book of wilderness poems, by Sarett, Lew (1920)
Memorial of the Eastern or emigrant Cherokees (1900)
Minnecotah, by McNeill, Thomas (1908)
Miscellanies of Georgia, historical, biographical, descriptive, by Chappell, Absalom Harris (1896)
Miwok Myths, by Gifford, Edward Winslow (1917)
Moses Greenleaf, Maine's first map-maker. Biography with letters, of Greenleaf's paper on Indian places, by Smith, E. C. (1902)
My friend the Indian, by McLaughlin, James (1910)
My native land. The United States its wonders, its beauties, and its people, by Cox, James (1895)
Myths and legends of the Sioux, by McLaughlin, Marie L (1916)
Myths of the Cherokee, by Mooney, James (1902)
Narrative of O.M. Spencer; an account of his captivity among the Mohawk Indians, by Spencer, Oliver (1836)
Native houses of western North America, by Waterman, Thomas Talbot (1921)
Navaho legends, by Matthews, Washington (1897)
Navaho myths, prayers and songs, by Matthews, Washington (1907)
New voyages to North-America, Volume 1, by Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce (1703)
New voyages to North-America, Volume 1, by Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce (1905)
New voyages to North-America, Volume 2, by Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce (1703)
New voyages to North-America, Volume 2, by Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce (1905)
North American Indians of the Plains, by Wissler, Clark (1912)
North American Indians; being letters and notes on their manners, customs, Vol 2, by Catlin, George (1913)
North and South American Indians, by Catlin, George (1871)
Notes on the Floridian Peninsula its literary history, Indian tribes and antiquities, by Brinton, Daniel Garrison (1859)
Occoneechee, the maid of the mystic lake, by Jarrett, Robert Frank (1916)
On some words derived from languages of N. American Indians, by Trumbull, J. Hammond (James Hammond), (1872)
On the great American plateau in the land of the cliff-dweller, and the Indian of to-day, by Prudden, Theophil Mitchell (1906)
Oration delivered on the fifth of July, 1847, before the Native Americans of Cincinnati, by Boynton, Charles Brandon (1847)
Pamunkey Indians of Virginia, by Pollard, John Garland (1894)
Paquita-the Indian heroine True story presenting graphic pictures of Indian life in peace & war, by Miller, Joaquin (1881)
Pattie's personal narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and in Mexico, by Pattie, James O. (James Ohio), (1905)
Personal experiences among our North American Indians from 1867 to 1885, by Parker, William Thornton (1913)
Personal experiences among our North American Indians. Supplement, by Parker, William Thornton (1918)
Photographs of Red Cloud and Principal Chiefs of Dacotah Indians, by Alexander Gardner (1872)
Pioneer history; or Cortland county and the border wars of New York, by Goodwin, Hermon Camp (1859)
Poems of the piasa, by Riehl, Frank C. (1896)
Pomo bear doctors, by Barrett, S. A. (Samuel Alfred), (1917)
portraits of American Indians - the Blackfeet Indians of Montana & the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, by Kihn, W. L. (1922)
Portraits of the aborigines of Canada and notes on the tribes, by Morris, Edmund (1909)
Practice of medicine and surgery by the Canadian tribes in Champlain's time, by Harris, William Richard (1915)
Proof-sheets of a bibliography of the languages of the North American Indians, by Pilling, James Constantine (1885)
Rainbow stories and Indian myths, by Caldwell, George Walter (1919)
Reminiscences of the Indians, by Washburn, Cephas (1869)
Rig Veda americanus. Sacred songs of the ancient Mexicans, by Brinton, Daniel Garrison (1890)
Runes of the red race,by Riehl, Frank (1899)
Sannillac - a poem, by Whiting, Henry (1831)
Se-quo-yah, the American Cadmus - a complete biography of the greatest of redmen,by Foster, George Everett (1885)
Seven and nine years among the Camanches and Apaches, by Eastman, Edwin (1873)
Shinkah, the Osage Indian, by Barrett, Stephen Melvil (1916)
Sketches of ab life, by Vide, V. V (1846)
Some observations on the situation and character of the Indian natives of this continent, by Benezet, Anthony (1784)
Songs and song-legends of Dahkotah land, by Fales, Edward Lippitt (1882)
Startling facts for native Americans called know-nothings, by New York, W. Lord (1855)
Stories from Indian wigwams and northern camp fires, by Young, Egerton Ryerson (1892)
Stories of Indian chieftains, by Husted, Mary Hall (1911)
Tales of the North American Indians, and adventures of the early settlers in America, by Hawes, Barbara (1853)
Teuchsa Grondie. A legendary poem, by Bishop, Levi (1869)
The American ab portfolio, by Eastman, Mary (1853)
The American Indians, north of Mexico, by Miner, William Harvey (1917)
The autobiography of a Winnebago Indian, by Blowsnake, Sam_ Radin, Paul (1920)
The Beothuk Indians, by Gatschet, Albert S. (Albert Samuel), (1890)
The book of the Indians of North America illustrating their manners, customs, by OLD & RARE Humphrey (1852)
The Cherokees in pre-Columbian times, by Thomas, Cyrus (1890)
The childhood of Ji-shib, the Ojibwa, and sixty-four pen sketches, by Jenks, Albert Ernest (1900)
The contributions of the American Indian to civilization, by Chamberlain, Alexander Francis (1903)
The Costume plates, North American Indians, by S.I. (1846)
The culture of the Luiseño Indians, by Sparkman, Philip Stedman (1908)
The dawn of Canadian history - a chronicle of ab Canada, by Leacock, Stephen (1914)
The Dawn Of The World, by Merriam, Clinton Hart (1910)
The decorative art of the North American Indians, by Boas, Franz (1903)
The duty of native Americans in the present crisis, by American Party (1856)
The eastern Cherokees, by Gilbert, William Harlen (1943)
The eastern Cherokees, by Painter, Charles Cornelius Coffin (1888)
The explanatory element in the folk-tales of the North-American Indians, by Waterman, Thomas Talbot (1914)
The food of certain American Indians and their methods of preparing it, by Carr, Lucien (1895)
The four kings of Canada, account of the four Indian princes lately arriv'd from North America, by John Baker (1710)
The history, manners and customs of the North American Indians, by New York, Carter (1849)
The honor of Breath Feather, by Kalfus, Anna (1914)
The Hopi Indians, by Hough, Walter (1915)
The Indian - on the battle-field and in the wigwam, by Frost, John (1858)
The Indian captivity of O.M. Spencer, by Spencer, Oliver (1917)
The Indian chief, Journeycake, by Mitchell, S. H (1895)
The Indian in his wigwam, or, Characteristics of the red race of America, by Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe (1848)
The Indian miscellany - papers on the history, antiquities, arts of the American aborigines, by Beach, William Wallace (1877)
The Indian Pass - an Adirondack legend, by Van Hoevenbergh, Henry (1888)
The Indian tribes of the United States their history, customs, religion and myths, Vol. 1, by Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe (1884)
The Indian tribes of the United States their history, customs, religion and myths, Vol. 2, by Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe (1884)
The Indian wars of the United States, from first settlement to great uprising, by Ellis, Edward Sylvester (1902)
The Indians of Berks County, PA , by Brunner, David (1881)
The Indians, their manners and customs, by Maclean, John (1892)
The Iroquois book of rites, by Horatio Hale (1883)
The Keshequa trail, by Nunda, N.Y. (1908)
The league of the Iroquois, and other poems, by Hathaway, Benjamin (1880)
The legend of Laddin's Rock, by Binney, Alice Stead (1902)
The legend of Multnomah Falls, by Smith, Susan Williamson (1905)
The life and traditions of the red men, by Nicolar, Joseph (1893)
The myth of Stone Idol. A love legend of Dakota, by Jones, William Patterson (1876)
The Nacoochee mound in Georgia, by Heye, George George Gustav (1918)
The narrative of the captivity and restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, by Rowlandson, Mary White (1903)
The native calendar of Central America and Mexico, study in linguistics & symbolism, by Brinton, Daniel Garrison (1893)
The North American Indians - an account of the American Indians north of Mexico, by Palmer, Rose Amelia (1929)
The Ohio Valley in colonial days, by Fernow, BerthOLD & RARE (1890)
The OLD & RARE trail and the new - a tale of the Kittatinnies, by Gher, Alphonso Moser (1909)
The One´ota. The red man as sOLD & RAREier, by Yager, Willard (1913)
The One´ota; medicine in the forest, by Yager, Willard (1911)
The Ozark bluff-dwellers, by Harrington, Mark Raymond (1960)
The path on the rainbow, an anthology of songs and chants from the Indians of North America, by (1918)
The pioneer preacher - A perilous trip across the plains in the time of Indian wars, by Bristol, Sherlock (1887)
The punishment of the stingy and other Indian stories, by Grinnell, George Bird (1901)
The Rappahannock Indians of Virginia, by Speck, Frank Gouldsmith (1925)
The Red Man and the White Man in North America from its discovery to the present time, by Ellis, George Edward (1882)
The religion of the Indians of California, by Kroeber, Alfred Louis (1907)
The Seri Indians, by McGee, W. J (1898)
The song of the Wahbeek, a poem, by Bromwell, Henry Pelham Holmes (1909)
The Spirit Lake Massacre, by Teakle, Thomas (1918)
The story of the American Indian; his origin, development, decline and destiny, by Brooks, Elbridge Streeter (1887)
The sun-god, by Wharton, J. E. (1889)
The Swimmer manuscript - Cherokee sacred formulas and medicinal prescriptions, by Mooney, James (1932)
The use of buffalo hair by the North American Indians, by Bushnell, David Ives (1906)
The Vanishing Race, by Dixon, Joseph Kossuth (1913)
The White Wolf, by Gregor, Elmer Russell (1921)
The Wild Rose of the Beaver, and Tononqua, the pride of the Wyandots, by Leonhart, Rudolph (1886)
The winning of Canada - a chronicle of Wolfe, by Wood, William Charles Henry (1920)
Tisayac of the Yosemite, by Toland, M. B. M. (1890)
Totem tales - Indian stories Indian tOLD & RARE, gathered in the Pacific Northwest, by Phillips, Walter Shelley (1896)
Traditions of The Arapaho, by Dorsey, George Amos (1903)
Traditions of The Crows, by Dorsey, George Amos (1903)
Traditions of The Hopi, by Dorsey, George Amos (1905)
Traditions of The Osage, by Dorsey, George Amos (1904)
Travels and adventures in Canada and the Indian territories between the years 1760 and 1776, by Henry, Alexander (1809)
Travels through the interior parts of North-America in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768, by Carver, Jonathan (1778)
Use of tobacco among North American Indians, by Linton, Ralph (1924)
Wab-ah-see, a legend of the Sleeping Dew; and other poems, by Kutz, M. Jennie (1868)
When buffalo ran, by Grinnell, George Bird (1920)
Wigwam stories tOLD & RARE by North American Indians, by Judd, Mary Catherine (1901)
Wigwam wonder tales, by Thompson, William (1919)
Yosemite legends, by Smith, Bertha (1904)
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