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National Minority, Regional Majority: Palestinian Arabs Versus Jews in Israel by

Reiter explores the complex factors that influence the ethnonational conflict. Drawing extensively on the theory of 'interlocking conflicts', the author chronicles the pattern of alternating tranquility and rebellion in Jewish-Arab relations.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleNational Minority, Regional Majority
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Social Science, History
Publication NameNational Minority, Regional Majority : Palestinian Arabs Versus Jews in Israel
PublisherSyracuse University Press
Item Length9.2 in
SubjectPeace, International Relations / General, World / Middle Eastern, Anthropology / Cultural & Social, Middle East / Israel & Palestine
Publication Year2009
SeriesSyracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution Ser.
Item Height1.3 in
AuthorYitzhak Reiter
Item Weight26.9 Oz
Item Width6.3 in
Number of Pages436 Pages

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