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National Geographic Illustrated Birds of North America, Folio Edition by...

National Geographic Illustrated Birds of North America, Folio Edition is a hardcover book published by National Geographic Society in 2009. It is a comprehensive guide to birdwatching, covering general topics and specific information about birds in North America. The book is authored by Jon L. Dunn and Jonathan Alderfer and contains 504 pages of illustrated content. It measures 12.2in x 9.5in x 1.5in and weighs 86.6 Oz.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleNational Geographic Illustrated Birds of North America, Folio Edition
PublisherDisney Publishing Worldwide
Item Length12.2 in
Publication Year2009
Item Height1.4 in
AuthorJon L. Dunn
GenreNature, Science
TopicNatural History, General, Animals / Birds
Item Weight86.6 Oz
Item Width9.5 in
Number of Pages504 Pages

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