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National Character: A Psycho-Social Perspective by Alex Inkeles (English) Hardco

His approach is to examine the regularity of specific personality patterns among individuals in a society. He concludes that, despite recent advances in the field, there is much to be done before we can have a clear picture of the degree of differentiation in the personality structure of modern nations.Until now, there were few formal definitions and discussions on national character and the limits of this field of study.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleNational Character
Subject AreaSocial Science, Psychology
Publication NameNational Character : a Psycho-Social Perspective
Item Length9 in
SubjectGeneral, Psychopathology / General, Anthropology / Cultural & Social, Anthropology / Physical
Publication Year1996
AuthorAlex Inkeles
Item Weight24.9 Oz
Item Width6 in
Number of Pages406 Pages

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