Broaden your kids' horizons by introducing them to a new language. My First Words A - Z English to Bengali is a wonderful, fun way to get introduced to the Bengali language or introduce English in a Bengali speaking household. Twenty-six pages A - Z make it super easy for young children to focus and learn a new language with only one picture and word per page. Atop each picture is the word in English and below is the word in Bengali. It's a wonderful English to Bengali picture dictionary! The pronunciation of each Bengali word is also provided for ease of learning. Five more bonus pages help teach an additional twenty-six words for common things found in and around the home. These common words can be used as building blocks to understanding the Bengali language or to help Bengali speaking kids learn English. This is a great book for helping to bridge the language gap in multi-generational homes and families. It can also help open lines of communication in bilingual neighbourhoods, classrooms and other settings. A terrific resource for teachers to have in school and daycare classrooms. Large text and bright cheerful pictures make learning a new language fun and easy. Imagine your child curling up on their grandparent's lap and sharing a book they can both learn from. The My First Words A - Z Language Learning Series is a wonderful way to learn a new language and spend some quality time together while doing so. Don't forget to check out the other books in this series. The series includes: English to Spanish, English to Italian, English to German, English to French, English to Portuguese, English to Hindi, English to Bengali, English to Punjabi and English to Chinese. Watch for even more languages coming soon.
Sharon Purtill era una madre y ama de casa emprendedora cuando se deparó con el mundo editorial en 1998. Ese año, acompañada por su marido, escribió y publicó su primer libro. El éxito de aquel libro los tomó por sorpresa con la venta de decenas de miles de copias directo de su garaje. Hoy en día, Sharon es una autora galardonada que ha publicado en múltiples géneros bajo diferentes seudónimos. Su pasíon por la escritura, por su familia y por un estilo de vida positivo la motiva para crear libros que puedan enriquecer las vidas de otros. Sharon espera algún día poder escaparle al frío y escribir desde una playa tropical donde sus mayores preocupaciones sean la arena pegándose a su bronceador o que su copa de margarita esté vacía. De momento, la autora atesora los cálidos meses de verano que disfruta con su familia y amigos en Ontario, Canadá. English Bio: Sharon Purtill was a stay at home mom and entrepreneur when she stumbled into publishing in 1998. That year, along with her husband, she wrote and published her first book. That book's success took them both by surprise when it went on to sell tens of thousands of copies right out of their garage. Today, Sharon is an award winning author who publishes in multiple genres under a couple of different pseudonyms. Her passion for writing, family and a positive life motivates her to create books that she hopes will enrich the lives of others. She hopes to one day escape the cold, and write from a tropical beach somewhere where her biggest concerns will be sand sticking to her suntan lotion and an empty margarita glass. But, for now, Sharon treasures the warm summer months and the time she gets to spend with family and friends in Ontario, Canada.