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MotivPoetry: Be a Great Wife (Motivpoetry Book) by Walter the Educator

Do you know poetry can be motivational? Poetry has great power. Let MotivPoetry by Walter the Educator motivate you to be a great Wife! Creating a motivational poetry book about being a great wife allows for the exploration of the complexities involved in a marriage and celebrates the experiences of women in this role. This book provides an opportunity to celebrate the joys, challenges, and sacrifices that come with being a wife. By writing about this topic, insights into the unique dynamics of a marital relationship and the various roles played by a wife can be praised, potentially resonating with readers who can relate to the themes of love, commitment, and partnership.

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 82 pages
AuthorWalter the Educator
Book TitleMotivPoetry: Be a Great Wife (Motivpoetry Book) by
Item Height0.4 cm
Item Length20.3 cm
Item Weight0.09 kg
Item Width12.7 cm

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