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Motherhood, Education and Migration: Delving into Migrant Mothers' Involvement i

It provides an original analysis of the role of class as gendered and ethnicised in the explanation of the reproduction of educational inequalities. This book sheds lights on the interconnection of class, gender, ethnicity and religion embedded in migrant mothers' lives and the roles of these facets in regard to the education of their children.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleMotherhood, Education and Migration
Subject AreaSocial Science, Education
Publication NameMotherhood, Education and Migration : Delving into Migrant Mothers' Involvement in Children's Education
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
Item Length8.3 in
SubjectEducational Policy & Reform / General, Islamic Studies, Children's Studies, Emigration & Immigration, General, Parent Participation, Sociology / Marriage & Family
Publication Year2019
AuthorTaghreed Jamal Al-Deen
Item Weight16 Oz
Item Width5.8 in
Number of PagesXi, 219 Pages

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