List of Illustrations
1 Migration and Reproduction: Basic Premises
1Three Glances at the Reproduction Approach
1.1 Demography and Population Reproduction
1.2 Reproduction in the Thought of Pierre Bourdieu
1.3 Gunnar Myrdal and the Principle of Circular and Cumulative Causation
1.4 Migration and Reproduction: A Preliminary Synthesis
2From the Social Reproduction of Migration to Migration as Reproduction of Society
3Conclusion: Migration and Reproduction
2 International Migration in Neoclassical Economics: A Critical Perspective
1Approaches of Neoclassical Economic Theory and of the New Home Economics
2Limitations of Neo-classical Theory: Imperfections of the Market
3Rational Choice: Theoretical or Axiomatic Principle?
4Neoclassical Economics: An Ahistorical Theory
3 Migration and Development: Three Theses and a Corollary
1Migration and Development: The Pitfalls of a Misleading Discourse
1.1 The Immigration Issue in Host Countries
1.2 Is Migration a New Development Paradigm for Origin Countries?
2Migration and Development: a Critical Perspective
3Conclusion: Three Theses and a Corollary on International Migration
3.1 Corollary: Towards a Global Model of Understanding Migration
4 Migration and Reproduction: Beyond the Critique of Methodological Nationalism
1Globalization as a Critique of Methodological Nationalism
2Transnational Communities and Transnationalism
3Migration, Social Networks and Transnationalism
4Migration and Reproduction
5 The Role of Migration in the Global System of Demographic Reproduction
2From Demographic Transition to a Global System of Reproduction
3International Migration and Demographic Change in Sending and Receiving Societies
3.1 Aging Population and the End of Demographic Transition
3.2 The Second Demographic Transition
3.3 The Demographic Dividend: Dynamics of Population in Origin Countries
4Demographic Change and Migration: Towards a Global Model of Population Reproduction
5Migration and Demographic Change: The Contradictions of the Model
6Conclusion: Dilemmas and Contradictions of a Model
6 Migration and the Reproduction of Capital
2From the Circular Flow of Income to the Reproduction of Capital
3Labor Migration and the Reproduction of Capital
3.1 Deindustrialization and Tertiarization in the New Labor Matrix
3.2 Immigration and Labor Deficit
4Transnationalism, Social Networks and Remittances: The Reproduction of the Labor Force
7 Migration and Social Reproduction
2Social Networks and Social Reproduction
3Migration and Social Reproduction in Host Societies
3.1 Globalization and Employment Polarization
3.2 Racializing Social Inequality and Class Structure in the United States
3.3 Migration, Work and Social Reproduction in Advanced Societies
4Migration and Social Reproduction: Towards a Global and Comprehensive Vision
8 The Central Place of Migration in the Reproduction of Advanced Societies
2International Migrations: The Theoretical-methodological Debate Revisited
3Migration and the Reproduction Approach
4The Central Place of Migrations in Advanced Societies
5The Contradictions of the Model: Demographic Replacement
9 Latinos in the USA: The New American Dilemma
2Demographic Change and Ethnic Replacement
3The Racialization of Inequality and the New American Dilemma
3.1 Occupational Segregation and the Racializing of Social Inequality
3.2 Productivity, Wages and Economic Discrimination
4Final Reflections: Latinos and the New American Dilemma