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Migration and Transformation:: Multi-Level Analysis of Migrant Transnationalism

The focus of this book lies in the complex and multi-level processes of migrant transnationalism in four transnational spaces: India-UK, Morocco-France and Turkey-Germany and Estonia-Finland. The chapters show that people's transnational linkages and migration across national boundaries entail manifold political, economic, social, cultural and educational implications.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleMigration and Transformation:
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Social Science, Business & Economics
Publication NameMigration and Transformation : Multi-Level Analysis of Migrant Transnationalism
PublisherSpringer Netherlands
Item Length9.3 in
SubjectDemography, Emigration & Immigration, General, International Relations / General
Publication Year2014
SeriesInternational Perspectives on Migration Ser.
FormatTrade Paperback
AuthorAhmet Içduygu
Item Weight16 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of PagesVIII, 236 Pages

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