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Migration and Empire, Hardcover by Harper, Marjory; Constantine, Stephen, Bra...

These several migration flows are analysed with a strong appreciation of the commonality and the complex variety of migrant histories. Legacies remain, but by the 1970s political change and shifts in the global labour market had eroded the earlier patterns.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleMigration and Empire
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Social Science, History
Publication NameMigration and Empire
PublisherOxford University Press, Incorporated
Item Length9.5 in
SubjectEmigration & Immigration, Imperialism, Europe / Great Britain / General, Europe / General
Publication Year2010
SeriesOxford History of the British Empire Companion Ser.
Item Height1.1 in
AuthorStephen Constantine, Marjory Harper
Item Weight28.2 Oz
Item Width6.5 in
Number of Pages416 Pages

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