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Migration and Diaspora in Modern Asia by Sunil Amrith (English) Hardcover Book

Sunil S. Amrith is Senior Lecturer in History at Birkbeck College, University of London. Migration is at the heart of Asian history. Sunil S. Amrith's engaging and deeply informative book crosses a vast terrain, from the Middle East to India and China, tracing the history of modern migration.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleMigration and Diaspora in Modern Asia
Subject AreaSocial Science, History
Publication NameMigration and Diaspora in Modern Asia
PublisherCambridge University Press
Item Length9.2 in
SubjectEmigration & Immigration, World
Publication Year2011
SeriesNew Approaches to Asian History Ser.
Item Height0.7 in
AuthorSunil S. Amrith
Item Weight15.9 Oz
Item Width6.2 in
Number of Pages240 Pages

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