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Meditation and the Bible by Aryeh Kaplan (Hardcover)

Explore the intersection of meditation and spirituality with "Meditation and the Bible" by Aryeh Kaplan. This hardcover book, published in 1979 by Red Wheel/Weiser, is a must-read for young adults, ages 9-12, and adults alike who are interested in mindfulness and meditation, as well as religious and spiritual topics. With 179 pages, this collector's edition book club explores the connection between meditation and Christianity, Judaism, and Kabbalah. It features a dust jacket and is written in English. Whether you're a fan of biography and autobiography, spirituality, or religious and spiritual topics, "Meditation and the Bible" is a valuable addition to your library.

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ConditionLike New
Book TitleMeditation and the Bibles
Book SeriesHistorical
Narrative TypeNonfiction
Original LanguageEnglish
PublisherRed Wheel/Weiser
Intended AudienceAges 9-12, Young Adults, Adults
EditionBook Club Edition, Collector's Edition
Publication Year1979
AuthorAryeh Kaplan
FeaturesDust Jacket
GenreMind, Body & Spirit, Religious & Spiritual, Spirituality, Body, Mind & Spirit, Religion, Biography & Autobiography
Country/Region of ManufactureUnited States
TopicChristian History, Christianity, Jesus Christ, Mindfulness & Meditation, Religious, Judaism / Kabbalah & Mysticism
Number of Pages179 Pages

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