Max Lucado, Two Great Hardcover Books...Its Not About METhere really is more to this life than you've been told. We've been demanding our way since day one ... "I want a spouse that makes me happy and coworkers that always ask my opinion." "I want weather that suits me and traffic that helps me and government that serves me." Self-promotion. Self-preservation. Self-centeredness ... "It's all about me." They all told us it was, didn't they? And we took them up on it. We thought self-celebration would make us happy ... But believing that has created chaos -- noisy homes, stress-filled businesses, cutthroat relationships. We've chased so many skinny rabbits, says Max Lucado, that we've missed the fat one: the God-centered life. If you want to shift into high gear with purpose, this is it: life makes sense when we accept our place! Our pleasures, our problems, our gifts and talents ... when they're all for the One who created us, we suddenly gain what we've been missing and find what we've been seeking. Let Max Lucado show you how to make the shift of a lifetime. How to bump your life off self-center. How to be changed and experience the meaning-charged life you were meant to have. Your discovery starts here.A Love Worth Giving Low on Love? Finding it hard to love? Someone in your world is hard to forgive? Is patience an endangered species? Kindness a forgotten virtue? If so, you may have forgotten a step -- an essential first step. Living loved. God loves you. Personally. Powerfully. Passionately. Others have promised and failed. But God has promised and succeeded. He loves you with an unfailing love. And his love -- if you let it -- can fill you and leave you with a love worth giving.