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Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Continuous Systems by

Both books have similar contents. They deal with the investigation of states of in finite systems, which are described by infinite sequences of statistical operators (reduced density matrices) or Green's functions in the quantum case and by infinite sequences of distribution functions in the classical case.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleMathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Subject AreaMathematics, Science
Publication NameMathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistical Mechanics : Continuous Systems
PublisherSpringer Netherlands
Item Length9.4 in
SubjectPhysics / Quantum Theory, Mechanics / General, System Theory, Physics / Mathematical & Computational, Mathematical Analysis
Publication Year2012
SeriesMathematical Physics Studies
FormatTrade Paperback
AuthorD. Y. Petrina
Item Weight25.9 Oz
Item Width6.3 in
Number of PagesXvi, 445 Pages

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