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Marc Thorpe : Towards An Architecture of Responsibility by Thorpe, Marc

The works presented in this book reflect an optimistic vision of the future. The buildings present themselves in a humble and respectful manner through their systemic integration of environment. Honest in their use of material and construction, each project deploys sustainable strategies such as locally sourced woods, earth brick construction, water harvesting, passive design, native landscaping and renewable energy production. Unique in narrative, context, history and location they all share one common theme, self-awareness.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 144 pages
AuthorThorpe, Marc
Book TitleMarc Thorpe : Towards An Architecture of Responsib
Item Height1.5 cm
Item Length24.4 cm
Item Weight0.58 kg
Item Width18.3 cm
PublisherMonsa Publications

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