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Maranatha Yoga: A Preparation for Christian Meditation by Pickering, Christine

This book is a means of connecting with our spiritual selves through the practice of Maranatha Yoga and meditation, which has been developed by the author through the experience of teaching yoga for over 30 years. The physicality of the postures with the mindful, meditative qualities of the Christian reflections help the participant to connect with their whole self, and reconciles the misconceptions about yoga in a Christian context. This is an illustrated, practical handbook for those new to yoga or for those with years of experience of the various postures, prayers and meditation practiced in Maranatha Yoga. It can be used by yoga teachers looking for a way to integrate Christian spirituality into their yoga classes.

23.09$ Buy It Now

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 154 pages
AuthorPickering, Christine
Book TitleMaranatha Yoga: A Preparation for Christian Medita
Item Height1.5 cm
Item Length21.1 cm
Item Weight0.17 kg
Item Width12.7 cm
PublisherColumba Press

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