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Mainstreaming Equality in the European Union: Education, Training and Labour Mar

There is an urgent need for academics, education and training providers as well as policy makers to be aware of current thinking at the EC level on training policy. Feminising the Mainstream provides a critical overview and evaluates the potential role of the EC in perpetuating or breaking down gender segregation in the EC labour force.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleMainstreaming Equality in the European Union
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Social Science, Business & Economics, Medical
Publication NameMainstreaming Equality in the European Union
Item Length8.5 in
SubjectFeminism & Feminist Theory, Allied Health Services / General, Women in Business, Public Policy / Social Policy, Women's Studies, Labor
Publication Year1998
FormatUk-B Format Paperback
Item Height0.6 in
AuthorTeresa Rees
Item Weight12.8 Oz
Item Width5.4 in
Number of Pages280 Pages

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